
Showing posts from February, 2023


  Mental health is one of the most important things that you need to take care of as a human. Our minds are very complex and due to that if something is bothering you mentally you need to attempt to seek out help. As future educators it's important that we instill this importance into our students as they need to know that it’s okay to speak out about situations that are going on inside their head. The main reason that they need to voice their feelings is so they don’t attempt to cause harm to their own body. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental disorder that is triggered by terrifying events. Events such as warfare, sexual assault, and child abuse are just some of the possible causes for PTSD to develop in a persons mind. “PTSD symptoms are generally grouped into four types: intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, and changes in physical and emotional reactions. Symptoms can vary over time or vary from person to person.” (Mayo Clinic) Knowing


                                                        ( )  Cyber bullying has been a developing problem that has been present through my entire childhood. In the modern day social media plays a massive role in everyone's lives making the possibility for cyber bullying to be more harmful. For me while I was growing up in school we would have to attend assemblies where the school would discuss the harmful effects that cyberbullying can have on students. Showing sad stories of how it drove some young students to depression and even suicide. For me I was lucky enough to not experience any forms of bullying as a child, but for some students they had to go through the pain of others making fun of them.  I have noticed forms of cyber bullying while scrolling on the internet before, mostly on gym related videos. I constantly see people speaking down on others, and their journey in the gy

School Violence Blog Post #2

  Choice C As I go through college learning what it takes to become a teacher, this week we were presented with the topic of classroom violence and the effects it has had on the education system in this country.  Once I am done with learning what it takes to become a teacher I hope to find a job educating students from 8th-12th grade. My reasoning behind this is because once I got to 8th grade it seemed like the teachers enjoyed their jobs much more. My thinking on why this was the case was most likely due to the fact that the teachers could engage in intelligent conversations with their students. Around 8th-12th grade in my eyes is when you are no longer teaching babies, you are now teaching young adults. The issue of school violence scares me due to the fact that I would never want to see any of my students getting hurt or even killed. This is a horror story that unfortunately some teachers have had to deal with in their careers. My thinking is that the classroom will be affect

Understanding Gender Diversity. By: Daniel O'Connell

  Understanding Gender Diversity     For this week we have been tasked with gaining a better understanding on the ways in which us as teachers should address our students. With the world making huge strides in being excepting of others its important that as educators we have a warm and safe environment for our students to grow and be confident in there own body.      When looking over this weeks information 2 articles really stood out to me as being valuable sources in which a future educator should take notes from in order to make all there students feel comfortable while in the class room. The first article being "Student Exploring Gender Identity" which was published by the American Psychological Association other wise known as APA. While reading this article they address the do's and don'ts of how to best tackle being inclusive to your students. While going through a couple specifics stuck out to me, Do's " Maintain an open mind that gender identity is co