Mental health is one of the most important things that you need to take care of as a human. Our minds are very complex and due to that if something is bothering you mentally you need to attempt to seek out help. As future educators it's important that we instill this importance into our students as they need to know that it’s okay to speak out about situations that are going on inside their head. The main reason that they need to voice their feelings is so they don’t attempt to cause harm to their own body. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental disorder that is triggered by terrifying events. Events such as warfare, sexual assault, and child abuse are just some of the possible causes for PTSD to develop in a persons mind. “PTSD symptoms are generally grouped into four types: intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, and changes in physical and emotional reactions. Symptoms can vary over time or vary from person to person.” (Mayo Clinic) Knowing that there are 4 different ways in which PTSD can affect an individual it is important as future educators to make an inclusive learning environment that no matter what they are being affected by they feel welcome and safe in.


  1. Hey Daniel,

    I am very interested in your blog due to the fact that I find PTSD to be an extremely interesting disorder that unfortunately many people have to go through in our world. I completely agree with you its very important for teachers to make it known to their students that it is okay for them to speak about their situation, and if they are currently going through any struggles. Post traumatic stress disorder is a scary disease and as you said in your blog the cause of this disease is a traumatic event like warfare, or sexual assault. I liked the fact that you wrote a teacher can help by creating an environment in which mental health isn't stigmatized in the classroom. It's important for teachers as well as fellow students to help make these students that are suffering feel more comfortable. If treatment like medication and anti-depressants aren't working its crucial surrounding people help these suffering by comforting them in their times of need. This was a really interesting post.


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