
Showing posts from April, 2023

Critical Issues Recap

  For this last and final week I thought a vlog was necessary in order to get a full recap on all the important issues that are arising in the educational system. Making sure that we make a healthy and happy environment for our students needs to be priority number one. I believe that the modules presented to me over the course of this semester have effectively helped me in understanding these critical issues better. I hope everyone has a great summer!!!  Signing off,  Daniel O'Connell

School/Home Relationship

  For any school district it is crucial to develop a good home/school connection. This is important because it allows for parents to feel more comfortable with the way in which their child is being educated everyday. As future educators we need to take it upon ourselves to make sure this connection between the school and the home is perfect and every parent feels satisfied with the way their child is being treated. For me if I was a parent I would be annoyed I was in the dark on my child's education.  Part 1 When looking at the ways in which school districts communicate with the home, the main way would have to be Board of Education meetings. I have recently taken the time to attend a Board of Education meeting held by the Plainview-Old Bethpage school district on April 3rd 2023. It was quite an interesting experience, as I have never attended one before. The board spoke on issues within the school district and the best ways to fix the issues. I am from Hicksville and atte...

Cell Phones in the Classroom

  Social media has grown to become one of the most prevalent things in modern day society. Becoming known by every generation. The question is are they causing destruction to our schools and society. I have started to notice how social media can be harmful to individuals, as I have started to take note of how I can scroll for hours on end. This is not a good thing as it can get in the way of tasks I need to complete.  Personally I do not believe young people should be on social media. I think it causes the attention span of young people to diminish as they constantly want to move on to the next video. Tik tok has created a system where you can watch 100’s of videos in an extremely short amount of time. This is hurting the school system as I believe students will eventually not be able to sit and take an exam for an extended period of time. This lack of attention to the topic at hand could possibly contribute to unmotivated students that will lead to unmotivated workers, causin...

“Mind Matters: The Body's Response to Marijuana''

  Addiction has been a huge concern for adolescents throughout history. Trying to limit exposure of harmful substances to the youth of this country is essential in containing the amount of overdoses in this country. As future educators this is something we need to take seriously as drugs and alcohol can lead to students underperforming in the classroom and letting their bright futures fade away. Growing up many kids will want to be rebellious and think that drinking underage or smoking weed is cool, but we must implant the idea that it is not, and can possibly ruin their mind and future.  When reviewing  the website, Lesson Plan and Activity Finder from the National Institute on Drug Abuse I decided to focus on one of the lesson plans “Mind Matters: The Body's Response to Marijuana”. My reasoning behind choosing this topic is because growing up I noticed a lot of kids first experimenting with marijuana in high school, and since I plan on being a high school history te...