Critical Issues Recap


For this last and final week I thought a vlog was necessary in order to get a full recap on all the important issues that are arising in the educational system. Making sure that we make a healthy and happy environment for our students needs to be priority number one. I believe that the modules presented to me over the course of this semester have effectively helped me in understanding these critical issues better. I hope everyone has a great summer!!! 

Signing off, 

Daniel O'Connell


  1. The issue of school violence, including school shootings, is an urgent concern that demands our attention. It's hard to know that these events can have a hard impact on not only the students who are witnessing it but also the teachers and the staff. You provided many important points starting with school violence, gun abuse, LGBTQ Community, and mental health. You did an excellent job of making all these topics flow into each other, and you have learned much about what it means to be an educator. As a society, I agree that we need to work hard to solve these problems. This means investing in programs that promote social-emotional learning, mental health support, and conflict-resolution skills. It also means creating a culture of inclusivity and respect in schools, where every student feels valued and supported. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to these critical issues in education. We owe it to our future children and communities to create a safe, nurturing learning environment where everyone can thrive.

  2. Hi Daniel, I totally agree bullying is a big issue. Everyone should feel safe in their schools especially since they go to school to get an education. I feel like cyber bullying is becoming worse and no one should ever feel like they have to take their life because they can not get the proper help that they need to stop their bullies. I like how you connected bullying to mental health because one does lead to another. Someone with mental health issues can be bullied due to their mental health issues. They can also get bullied to the point where their mental health is destroyed and needs to be helped or else the consequences can be drastic. Personally I have lost a friend to suicide and no one knew that he had any signs pointing to this tragedy. I believe us as future educators should be educated on mental health issues and what we can do to help them and point them in the right direction. It is our job as future educators to make sure that not only our classroom but our school as well is a safe learning environment and keep all of our opinions outside of the school.

  3. Hello Daniel,

    Glad to hear from you one last time with this semester coming to a close especially in a vlog form. With what you were speaking about I do agree that bullying is a huge issue that is facing our schools, it has major links with mental illness, stress and other problems that are also causing much more dangerous issues to occur. The most important ones being self harm and school violence. I think that if we are able to fix the major issue that is bullying, there is a high chance that other issues will go on the decline. Overall, i must say that I am very glad that we both agree with these connective notions and I hope that as we continue our education in these fields and enter this career in our entirety, these issues will be lessoned. Good luck with your future classes and have a good summer!


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